It is a way of working system adopted from Japanese culture which could be used as a guide to best practice in housekeeping which is the foundation to transform productivity improvement for all organizations.


  1. Key Benefits of 5S
  2. Better Understanding of 5S Best Practices
  3. To create the awareness among employees about the importance of 5S implementation
  4. The Importance of Roles and Responsibilities to achieve High Performing 5S Team
  5. To learn basic skill about 5S Audit
  6. HOW to apply 5S Audit & Model Line for continuous effectiveness in 5S Implementation
  7. Learn the various steps in sustaining and maintaining 5S effectively


Production & Administrative Personnel – Line Leaders, Operators, Supervisors, and All Personnel interested in implementing 5S working culture



Part 1:  WHY 5S is vital and critical to Manufacturing Success and Basic Goals of System – Quality and Productivity?

Part 2:  Understanding of 5S Best Practices:

Seiri / Sorting: Sort is the Cornerstone of 5S

Best Practice: Red Tag System

Seiton / Arranging: Labels for Everything

Best Practice: Labelling, Signs, Line Marking

Seiso / Cleaning: Cleaning is Everyone’s Responsibility

Best Practice: Establishing Cleaning Standards, Inspection

Seiketsu / Maintain: The Survival of 5S Program

Best Practice: Create A System of Tasks and SOP of 5S, 5S Audit

Shitsuke / Educate: Commitment and Motivation to Follow Each Step, Every Day

Best Practice: 5S Schedule, 5S Visual Board, 5S Training


Part 3:  The responsibilities of the employees in 5S implementation

How to maintain basic condition of workplace in 5S

Path to develop 5S – Awareness, Training, Understanding and Execution


Part 4:  5S Audit

5S Audit Scorecard and Corrective Actions

Core Activity: 5S Live Audit at Workplace

Presentation on Audit Score, Findings and Improvement Plans

5S Assignments to be Implemented Immediately After Training for 30 Days


Part 5: Develop 5S Leaders

  1. 5S Steering Committee Organizational Chart; Roles & Responsibilities
  2. 5S Vision and Goal
  3. 5S Campaign for Model Lines
  4. 5S Visual Management and 5S Visual Board
  5. 5S Periodic Audit on Progress and Publish Results
  6. 5S Training: One Point Lesson
  7. 5S Leadership Training: Mindset, Habits, Visual, System, Culture
  8. 5S Competition and Reward System for 5S Best Area
  9. 5S Roadmap for Plantwide Implementation (5S Activities, Training and Audit)
  10. Develop Future / Rotating 5S Leaders for Sustainability of 5S Culture

Part 6: Live Audit at Workplace

  • Group Audit and Identify Non-Conformance Areas
  • Group Presentation and Suggestion for Improvement Plans
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