It is a way of working system adopted from Japanese culture which could be used as a guide to best practice in housekeeping which is the foundation to transform productivity improvement for all organizations.
- Key Benefits of 5S
- Better Understanding of 5S Best Practices
- To create the awareness among employees about the importance of 5S implementation
- The Importance of Roles and Responsibilities to achieve High Performing 5S Team
- To learn basic skill about 5S Audit
- HOW to apply 5S Audit & Model Line for continuous effectiveness in 5S Implementation
- Learn the various steps in sustaining and maintaining 5S effectively
Production & Administrative Personnel – Line Leaders, Operators, Supervisors, and All Personnel interested in implementing 5S working culture
Part 1: WHY 5S is vital and critical to Manufacturing Success and Basic Goals of System – Quality and Productivity?
Part 2: Understanding of 5S Best Practices:
Seiri / Sorting: Sort is the Cornerstone of 5S
Best Practice: Red Tag System
Seiton / Arranging: Labels for Everything
Best Practice: Labelling, Signs, Line Marking
Seiso / Cleaning: Cleaning is Everyone’s Responsibility
Best Practice: Establishing Cleaning Standards, Inspection
Seiketsu / Maintain: The Survival of 5S Program
Best Practice: Create A System of Tasks and SOP of 5S, 5S Audit
Shitsuke / Educate: Commitment and Motivation to Follow Each Step, Every Day
Best Practice: 5S Schedule, 5S Visual Board, 5S Training
Part 3: The responsibilities of the employees in 5S implementation
How to maintain basic condition of workplace in 5S
Path to develop 5S – Awareness, Training, Understanding and Execution
Part 4: 5S Audit
5S Audit Scorecard and Corrective Actions
Core Activity: 5S Live Audit at Workplace
Presentation on Audit Score, Findings and Improvement Plans
5S Assignments to be Implemented Immediately After Training for 30 Days
Part 5: Develop 5S Leaders
- 5S Steering Committee Organizational Chart; Roles & Responsibilities
- 5S Vision and Goal
- 5S Campaign for Model Lines
- 5S Visual Management and 5S Visual Board
- 5S Periodic Audit on Progress and Publish Results
- 5S Training: One Point Lesson
- 5S Leadership Training: Mindset, Habits, Visual, System, Culture
- 5S Competition and Reward System for 5S Best Area
- 5S Roadmap for Plantwide Implementation (5S Activities, Training and Audit)
- Develop Future / Rotating 5S Leaders for Sustainability of 5S Culture
Part 6: Live Audit at Workplace
- Group Audit and Identify Non-Conformance Areas
- Group Presentation and Suggestion for Improvement Plans