Evolution of the Office Administration

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Twenty years ago, working as a secretary or office administration, your job require you to take minutes, type as fast as possible, keep up with the bosses appointment and also know how to make a good cup of coffee for the demanding boss.

In this century, a competent secretary or office administrative required more skills. The landscape has changed, and experienced administrative pros can become office managers, who handle whatever it is that’s necessary to keep the company going.

Although the exact job description changes with each employer, duties can include training staff in the latest software programs, conducting interviews or terminating employees, balancing the budget and handling payroll duties.

They are sometime also required to have Leadership capability as they are the liaison within the organization in office related matter.

Course Objectives

By the end of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize the qualities and learn the skills that make an employee more professional on the job
  • Improve interpersonal communication and courtesy
  • Promote cooperation and teamwork through better communication with peers, managers, and other co-workers
  • Learn about the skills that are requiredfor administrative effectiveness


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