Customer Service Training: Handling Difficult and Demanding Customers

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Course Introduction ›

This is a 2-day customer service training skill improvement program that focuses on handling difficult and demanding customers. It includes understanding customer needs and expectations, handling customers on the phone and complaints, psychology of customer complaints, solving customer’s problems and more. All employees that deal with customers are encouraged to attend this training.

To request in-house training, click on the Request for In-house Training link as displayed above for quotation. For complete course content and more information about this customer service training course, feel free to contact the training provider as shown above. If the public program is available, you can request a registration online by clicking on the Register for Public Training link. If the link is disabled, it simply means it has yet to be available to the public. You can contact the customer service training provider for further inquiries.

Course Objectives ›

After attending this one-day customer service training program, participants will be able to learn:

  • Improve their customer service skills
  • Use some of the techniques to achieve excellence in customer service
  • Work on improving their relationships with other employees
  • Understand their customer needs and expectations
  • Understand effective ways to handle customers’ complaints
  • Improve their problem-solving skills
  • Understand the important roles they play in their respective organizations
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