Course Introduction ›
Time management is one of the greatest challenges we face. Businesses struggle in an increasingly competitive environment to get more done with less. As organizations reduce staff and strive to increase productivity, we are all called on to do more in less time. We constantly seek ways to get our work done and still find time for our personal lives.
However with Time Management, you can now learn how to make the most of them. You will be able to gain extra hours by eliminating time-wasters and effectively prioritizing your activities. This stimulating program will show you how to stop letting urgent things crowd out what is really important.
Everyone would agree that stress has a negative effect on productivity.Stress also affects people’s health and personal relationships. One of the primary reasons for learning to manage your time is to reduce stress. All of the strategies that we will be teaching you, have one key objective: to help you manage your time so that you can be more productive without feeling overwhelmed.
Course Objectives ›
By the end of this program, participants should be able to:
- Speed up, slow down or even cease time
- Prioritize, organize and anticipate time
- Organize and de-clutter your real and virtual workplace
- Use the Pareto principle to work efficiently by putting less effort and create more results
- Identify and plug the crucial time leaks which hinders the smooth performance of an individual
- Identify and master the internal chaos and external circumstances
- Identify and master internal and external stress factor pertaining to an individual
Course Outline ›
- Time Travel
- The Value of Time
- Where the time goes
- Organizing your workplace and home
- Organizing your work
- Art of De-cluttering
- Prioritizing (Quadrant 2)
- Harnessing 4 waves in prioritizing
- Goal setting and scheduling
80:20 RULE
- 7 steps in using Pareto Principle in Mastering Time
- Using 20% of the time to generate 80% result
- 5 Golden rules in the art of Anticipating
- Mastering Anticipation
- Whom and What to delegate
- Key steps in delegating
- Identifying the time leaks
- Turning the leaks into opportunity
- Dealing with procrastination
- Identifying internal and external stress factors
- Identifying personal stress triggers
- Managing internal chaos and external circumstances
- Stress Cool-Offs
Delivery Methods ›
This course is essentially participative and practical, emphasizing learning through experience, both from structured activities on the program e.g. Role plays, group work, video screening, case studies and discussion from individual experience.